Public school failed my intelligent, enthusiastic child too. We homeschooled from the beginning, but I decided when we moved into an excellent district that public high school would be a good option. But it failed to teach a single thing the entire semester he was there…except that if you write your name in cursive you will be accused of forging an excuse note by the counselor, without any calls to the parent. He got straight A’s but it didn’t mean much since nothing was being required of him as a learner. He was expecting to be surrounded be curious teens who loved learning and were capable of deep conversations…he was disappointed. He is now at home for some classes and dual enrolled at college for others. I write a lot about homeschooling and how the brain learns, the more I learn about the brain the more obvious it is to me that public schools are not set up to create environments where the brain is turned on to learn. Of course some amazing teachers can create amazing environments in their classrooms, but most don’t know how.